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Blog, Updated January 26, 2005
Downloads, release 0.34,
Feburary 13, 2005
Release Notes for version 0.34
MathML Control, MathML DOM, Test App, and Documentation
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Extending the DOM
Fast parsing of XML entities
Calling C methods from C#
The visitor pattern
MathML Rendering Control
First Rendering of MathML
A slightly more complex example
Same example, with almost correct use of stretchy characters
Stretchy operators are finally working correctly
SubScripts and SuperScripts are now working, also a comparison with Mozilla
Radicals are now working, and a comparison with Microsoft Word
Radical Indices, and sub and super scirpt elements
Under and Over Elements, and Horisontal Stretchy Operators
Complex Tables
Browse Source Repository
MathML Document Object Model
MathML Rendering Control


Tables, the last big piece of presentation markup (<mtable>) are working fairly well now, good enough for a 0.1 release! Table layout is difficult, not because it is hard to layout cells in a grid, but because there are many possible permutations for how column width should be divided. The columnwidth attribute specifies wether a column should have a fixed width (this is the easy part), or if it should be the size of the max cell width in that colum, or wether it should be some percentage of the total table width. This is problematic because the column contributes to the table width, if the table width is not specified. The row height calculation is much simpler, because all rows are sized to the maximum cell height and depth in that row.

So, here are some screenshots of tables:

Here is an example showing row height fitting, and vertical cell alignment. The default cell orientation is to be on the baseline of a row, but they can also be aligned to the top, bottom, or center of a row. On the left is the mathml rendering control, and on the right is the reference rendering from the w3c mathml test suite.


source mathml for the above screenshot

Here is one of the w3c test suite torture test examples. This really excercises all presentation elements, espicially tables, and nested tables.

source mathml for this screenshot